A two-day workshop with male population of the Clement Howell High School and the A Louise Garland Thomas High School targeting anger management took place on October 6 and 7.
The session with the Clement Howell High took place at 9:00am, while the session at the A Louise Garland Thomas High took place at 1:00pm.
The workshop was spearheaded by Nixon Dickenson, Events Coordinator and the Boys Club in partnership with Delvin Rogers, CEO Control Anger Limit Madness (C.A.L.M), Miami FL,USA.
C.A.L.M’s Mission is teaching people to develop anger management skills and techniques that will help channel their anger in a positive and productive manner, its mission is to equip people with different tools and techniques to help manage their unwanted behavior, through an educational curriculum key. Resources are taught and practiced to help individuals work through their negative behavior.
According to Dickinson, an effective anger management curriculum focuses on providing youth with the skills and strategies necessary for recognizing and controlling angry feelings. The curriculum also assists participants in learning ways to manage their emotions and develop alternative behavioral responses, stating that in most cases, youth with behavioral/angry feelings can learn to get them under control by establishing coping skills.
What is Anger Management?
Dickinson stated that anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control.
“It has been described as deploying anger successfully. Anger is frequently a result of frustration or of feeling blocked or thwarted from something important. The process of learning to recognize signs that you’re becoming angry and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a productive way,” said.
He aid while most people categorize anger as a “negative emotion”, it can be positive.
“If left unchecked or of having self- control, angry feelings can lead to aggressive, yelling at someone or damaging property etc. Angry feelings also may cause you to withdraw from the world and turn your anger inward. Anger can lead to aggression, can make one physically strong or a possible fear of the unknown.
“The need for Youth and Anger helps those to recognize frustrations. Allows youth to express their needs and keeps them calm and in control. Persistent negative thinking, frequent arguments, out of control or frightening behavior, irritation, impatience and anxiety are signs of anger.
“Youth can be taught problem solving skills so they can learn to recognize that they can solve problems without resorting to aggression,” Dickenson said.
He pointed out that possible management tips include: Thinking before you speak, remain calm and express your anger/frustration in a positive manner, get some exercise, identify possible solutions, don’t hold a grudge and use humor as a way to release tension.
He said the group - Black Male Explorers- is designed to be implemented with all students in grades 7th-12th in learning the important aspects of Anger Management.
He said the group will consist of 10 three quarter of an hour sessions on a daily basis starting in June 2024. He said a date of between June 13th and 24th has already been decided, noting that the sessions would be done in a classroom setting.
He said ehe group will consist of 30 to 35 young men, who will engage in a Social, Emotional Learning (SEL) style format.
“They will participate in engagement readings, role playing, worksheets and activities, creative writing and expression,” Dickenson said.
He said Session 1, which would be the Introduction session, would deal with:
- Self-Control;
-Overview of the purpose and goals of the group;
-Review group rules/expectations; and
-Icebreaker activity.
Session 2 will deal with Emotional Intelligence, which include:
-The definition of Emotional Intelligence;
-Social Awareness; and
-Self Management.
Session 3 will deal with:
-Coping Skills/Socials Skills;
-How to Cope and be Social -Being aware of triggers -Using diversions; and
-Knowing your warning signs;
Session 4 and Conflict Resolution, and will tackle:
-The definition of Conflict Resolution;
-Building listening skills (understanding how conflict arises from miscommunication); and
-De-escalation (quality solutions to productive outcomes)
Session will deal with Impulsivity, and include:
-Exercising being CALM
-Changing the way you think (check yourself) -Making smart choices; and
-Improve your communication skills.
Session 6 will deal with Communication over aggressive impulse, and included:
-Hostile communication traits;
-Mood swings; and
-Exasperation (irritated/frustrated).
Session 7 will be about Positive Self-Talk, and will include:
-Being optimistic;
-Good character; and
-Learning to forgive.
Session 8 with deal with the Art of De-Escalation (D.E.F.U.S.E), and will tackle:
-Decision making;
-Ensure safety;
-Form Relationships; and
-Utilize Interests -Set Limits -Enforce/Evaluate.
Session 9 looks at Social Emotional Learning (S.E.L.) and will cover:
-Self Management ;
-Responsible decision-making;
- Social awareness (Empathy);
Session 10-Keeping your cool;
-Maintain composure -Have a peace of mind -Reduce friction; and
-Pick your battles.
Dickinson pointed out that the goal of each session is to help reduce both emotional and physiological arousal that anger causes.
“Regardless of each individuals well-being, it is important to get a full understanding of particular target areas and utilize them to navigate through life You can’t get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions,” Dickinson said.