The Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) have officially declared a dengue outbreak following the confirmation of the first case on October 17.
The Ministry of Health and Human Services is actively addressing the situation with increased testing, vector control measures, and public awareness campaigns.
Confirmed Cases:
Providenciales: 12 confirmed cases
Grand Turk: 1 confirmed case
Dengue Virus Types:
DENV-2 and DENV-3 identified in TCI
8 confirmed cases of DENV-3, associated with more severe forms of the disease
1 confirmed case of DENV-2
Government Response:
Vector Control Unit intensifies activities, including swamp treatment, standing water management, inspections, and fogging.
Approval granted for additional Vector Control Officers to enhance response efforts.
Public Awareness and Education:
Ministry publishing educational materials to inform the public about reducing mosquito breeding sites and minimizing the risk of mosquito bites.
Collaboration with Deputy Governor for onboarding additional Vector Control Officers.
Disease Characteristics:
Dengue is a viral illness transmitted by infected Aedes species mosquitoes, capable of spreading Zika, chikungunya, and other viruses.
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes identified in TCI.
Mosquitoes prefer laying eggs in artificial containers with water (drums, barrels, tires).
Symptoms and Severity:
1 in 4 infected individuals will get sick.
Symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, severe headache, and body aches.
Severe cases can be life-threatening and require hospitalization.
Symptoms last 2–7 days, and most people recover within a week.
Treatment and Prevention:
No specific treatment for dengue; healthcare provider consultation advised.
Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin.
Suspected or confirmed dengue cases advised to avoid further mosquito bites.
Testing and Reporting:
Free dengue testing offered by the Ministry through the National Public Health Laboratory in partnership with CARPHA.
Public encouraged to report standing water or mosquito breeding sites to the Environmental Health Department.
Contact Information:
For reporting standing water or breeding sites: Environmental Health Department at (649) 338 2143/2142.
Health Promotion and Advocacy Units Facebook page for additional information: TCI Health Promotions Facebook Page.