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Drexwell Seymour Makes Main Presentation at CAC’s First 2022 Meeting


Drexwell Seymour, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and author was the main speaker, who presented his newest book, 'Rise up and take your position', which was aligned with the CAC theme.

The Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital Community Advisory Committee (CAC) recently convened its first meeting for the year under the theme 'Rise up and take your position'.

The meeting was held virtually due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and continuing restrictions.

With a 95 per cent attendance rate, the CAC members received a presentation on the hospital's 2022-2024 Communications plan that featured a detailed overview of future activities and opportunities for communications internally and externally.

Presented by Public Relations and Marketing Manager Takara Bain, the CAC members were given an insight into the community outreach initiatives scheduled for 2022.

“The CAC’s main objective is to ensure that the needs of the TCI communities are served by the Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital and it was critical to share our communication activities for the next three years for not only members support but to also receive feedback and hear some of their ideas and expectations”, said Bain.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and author, Drexwell Seymour, who was the main speaker, presented his newest book, which was aligned with the theme 'Rise up and take your position'.

Seymour presented on the use of prayer to maintain peace, belief in knowing that God is faithful, and the importance of self-evaluation.

Commenting on the meeting, Seymour said: “It was a pleasure to be a presenter at the CAC first meeting for 2022. I was specifically invited to talk about my book Rise Up and Take Your Position. The feedback was overwhelming, and I am so delighted that I was chosen to be a presenter where I can encourage others to step-up to their calling.”

Takara Bain, Public Relations and Marketing Manager for the InterHealth Canada-run TCI Hospital

Facilitator and Chief Executive Officer of InterHealth Canada Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital, Dr Denise Braithwaite-Tennant said,

"We were excited to start the year off in such a special way with our CAC members hearing from CPA and author, Drexwell Seymour, with words of motivation and upliftment. Our members had the opportunity to share what resonated with them and how the book is insightful and can be referenced to all real-life situations.

“We have an amazing group of CAC members, and InterHealth Canada TCI Hospital looks forward to a stronger collaboration with them as they continue to be the community's voice."

The CAC is an advisory body comprise of 10 community representatives, who are not affiliated with InterHealth Canada – Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital.

The members include Keno Forbes, Alfonso Palatino, Rochelle Thompson, Sonia K. Williams, Stacy Cox, Mary Simmons, Jerome Caley, Pastor Alces Dor,Rosemary Jolly, and Candido Moreno.

The Chief Executive Officer and the Public Relations and Marketing Manager sit as ex-officio hospital members to enhance all CAC activities.



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