Governor Nigel Dakin Premier Washington Misick
His Excellency the Governor, Nigel Dakin, chaired the 12th meeting of Cabinet on Wednesday 19 May 2021 at the Office of the Premier on Providenciales.
All members were present.
At this meeting Cabinet:
Was given an update by the Ministry of Health on the measures being taken to address and mitigate against the threat of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) to the country, including:
a) Progress on the instillation of oxygen generator at the Cockburn Town Medical Centre on Providenciales,
b) Progress with the vaccination programme incl. eventual vaccination of children, and
c) Progress on the issuing of a new vaccination card with photo ID.
Discussed the strategy to encourage the vaccination of persons on work permits and Government stamps and agreed next steps.
Was given a presentation by Marble Drones TCI on potential services they can offer to assist with border protection and other Government services for the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Approved amendments to the Public and Environmental Health Regulations for Salt Cay only, following their over 95% vaccination programme, including:
a) Curfew be lifted completely on the island of Salt Cay,
b) Restrictions on business to cease,
c) Religious places of worship-no restrictions,
d) Funeral services and burial grounds-no restrictions,
e) Restrictions on social activities to cease,
f) Weddings-restrictions to cease,
g) Public beaches-restrictions to cease,
h) Remove mask mandate and penalties for residents of Salt Cay and individuals fully vaccinated only and
i) The establishment of protocols for those visiting the island who are not vaccinated.
Approved the appointment of Antoine Misick as member to the Air Transport Licensing Authority (ATLA) Board effective 24 May 2021 to 31 March 2022. Members also agreed an amendment to the expiration dates of the current ATLA Board members and Secretary from 16 October 2022 to 31 March 2022, to coincide with the fiscal year.
Approved the appointment of Synkero Missick (Chair), Kenro Gardiner (Deputy Chair), and Permanent Secretary, Finance or Designate and the Managing Director of CAA as ex-officio Members of the Turks and Caicos Islands Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) with effect from 24 May 2021 to 31 March 2023.
Approved Planning Application GT 5034 for the Construction of the House Attendant Quarters, Block 10503/25 South Suburbs, Grand Turk.
Approved the granting of a license for dredging in the Thompson Cove Navigation Canal and the basis by which the DECR is empowered to monitor and intervene in the process of facilitating the dredging for a period of ten (10) years.
Decided on a defined contribution plan as the preferred model for the TCI Public Service pension and agreed next steps incl. a consultation process.
Discussed and agreed for the Minister with responsibility for the National Insurance Board to liaise with the Attorney General’s Chambers to bring back to Cabinet for approval draft amendments to the National Insurance (Benefit) Regulations to remove current restrictions that prevent persons retiring early (age 60) from engaging in fulltime employment.
· Discussed errors and omissions identified and directed the Minister with responsibility for the National Insurance Board to bring draft amendments to the next meeting of Cabinet to address the discrepancies identified in the The National Insurance (Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 and the National Insurance (Benefit) (Increase) Regulations 2017 as recommended by the actuary.
Agreed to the rolling over of the current appointments under the Notary Public Ordinance until 31 January 2022 while arrangements are made to establish the prescribed training to be provided under the new Notary Public Ordinance 2020.
Approved recommendations to the Magistrate’s Court Ordinance to regulate Justices of the Peace.
· Discussed an emerging serious regulatory enforcement challenge at Sapodilla Bay Providenciales and advise key public sector stakeholders to operationalize a taskforce to take immediate action to bring the matter under control and put in place a surveillance strategy for ongoing monitoring.
Was updated on issues related to the Ministries of:
1) Tourism,
2) Health,
3) Infrastructure and
4) Home.