Under the leadership of experts Darren and Emily Veira of Athletic Engineering Canada, the Sports Performance Long Term Athlete Development clinic will deliver the foundational athletic development training for coaches and Physical Education (P.E.) teachers.
The event will be held between November 20 and 22, between the house of 12pm to 4pm at the Gustarvus Lightbourne Sports Complex in Providenciales. The Sports Performance Long-Term Athlete Development Clinic is a follow-up to the Long-Term Athlete Development Symposium held in June 2022, where the concept of LTAD was introduced to P.E. teachers, coaches, athletes, as well as National Sports Governing Bodies.
The main objectives of the clinic are to:
1. Develop broad knowledge of natural movement fundamentals
2. Understand strategies to improve structural integrity and motor coordination to enhance general movement competence, athleticism, and efficiency
3. Learn drills and games for development of athletic versatility, dexterity and problem-solving
In addition, significant time will be spent to understand what is ‘movement efficiency’, why it matters in the context of athletic development, and how to identify efficient vs. inefficient patterns of movement. This is to be able to identify red flags, correct poor movement patterns through training, and prevent future injuries. 
The training will be hands-on, requiring attendants to wear activewear and to bring a yoga mat.
Coaches and PE teachers must RSVP with Head of Sports Performance Angelo Garland asgarland@gov.tc to attend.
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