Light and power company FortisTCI is hailing Renewable Energy and Resource Planning Bill, which was introduced in Parliament Thursday, but said it would undertake a study to determine the level of impact, if any, it would have on customers, its grid capacity and general operation.
In a news release, FortisTCI said it has consistently advocated for the implementation of legislation that is tailored to the unique needs of the islands, emphasizing the importance of equitable legislation that promotes the seamless integration of renewable energy sources while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders.
“The Renewable Energy and Resource Planning Bill 2023, introduced in the House of Assembly today, is a significant milestone for the Turks and Caicos Islands, as it will shape how the country’s energy landscape evolves,” the statement said.
The news release added: “As the public electricity supplier, FortisTCI has consistently advocated for suitably tailored and equitable legislation, which supports the orderly integration of renewable energy and balances the interests of all stakeholders.
The news release stated that the energy company was in the process of scrutinizing the bill’s provisions to determine its overall impact. Crucially, the company said it is also eagerly awaiting the establishment and revision of policies, regulations, and standards that will serve as the foundation for the new legislation.
“FortisTCI is currently reviewing the provisions of the Bill to determine how these will impact customers, grid capacity, the energy infrastructure, and the utility operation in general.
“The company also awaits the development and updating of policies, regulations, and standards intended to underpin the Bill. FortisTCI shares in the government’s commitment to sustainability, affordability, and energy security,” FortisTCI stated.
It added: “The company has made significant strategic investments to diversify the energy mix through solar microgrids, distributed energy systems and energy storage solutions, while continuing to provide safe, reliable and resilient electricity.
“The company seeks to engage in meaningful consultation with the TCI Government and the Energy and Utilities Commissioner’s Office, as the Bill advances through the legislative process.”
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