An OpEd by Journalist Audley Astwood

Our leaders need to speak responsibly and offer real solutions. As Proverbs 10:21 reminds us, "the lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense." Unfortunately, Hon. Edwin Astwood, leader of the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), recently made remarks about the ongoing illegal migration issue that falls short of what voters expect and deserve.
Astwood lacks the moral high ground to speak on illegal migration due to the secret he holds close to his chest. Eddie doesn't care about solving the problem of illegal migration to TCI. As the opposition leader, he only cares about using illegal migration as a weapon for political gain.
Let’s address the major concern on everyone’s mind. The opposition leader confessed on Radio Turks and Caicos that he knows who is behind the illegal smuggling of migrants to our shores. Yet, in the same breath, Eddie refuses to disclose the smuggler's identity. This is not just wrong; it’s a stunning failure of responsibility. How can the leader of the opposition, who claims to prioritize the safety and security of our TCI people, withhold information that could be pivotal in stopping the crisis he decries?
Leadership is not about pointing fingers. When you have the power to make a positive difference, you do so. If the opposition leader genuinely cares about the well-being of TCI, as he claims, he should act on his knowledge. Instead of using it as a political tool, he must put the needs of the TCI first. By withholding such vital information, he actively allows this crisis to continue.
The Premier and his government face the same challenges that the PDM faced. Suggesting that the current administration has done nothing is to ignore the complex realities of governance. Securing our borders can't be done just by talking about it. It takes a lot of effort. It includes working with law enforcement. It also includes working with other countries and getting our community involved. It doesn't include keeping the smuggler's identity a secret. The opposition leader lacks the moral high ground to speak on illegal migration. Eddie needs to decide what is more important to protect: our borders or the identity of his friend, the smuggler.
Let’s also not forget the broader context. Legal and illegal migration is a complex global issue. It cannot be solved overnight or by a single administration. It demands a comprehensive strategy that addresses root causes, enhances border security, and strengthens regional partnerships. The Premier has been working hard with international partners to develop such strategies. The office of the Governor is responsible for external security. It's long overdue that the Governor's office demand that the UK government step up and do what they are constitutionally obligated to do.
Eddie was a part of an administration whose former leader had the closest relation with any governor. That historic closeness never resulted in TCI getting help to fix the current illegal migration problem. According to the Holy Bible, you can't serve two masters. If TCI didn't benefit from that cringe-worthy relationship, the UK surely did. Eddie's hypocrisy can't be any more blatant.
The opposition leader's hypocritical criticism only aims to incite fear so voters can vote for PDM. The People's Democratic Movement has become so Petty, Divisive and Misleading. Rather than creating a plan based on facts filled with solutions, PDM aims to distract with fearmongering. There has not been an increase in illegal landings. We're hearing more about sloops because there's been an increase in interceptions. Are these the actions of a government asleep at the wheel? This is evidence of a government that is actively protecting our borders and ensuring the safety of our communities.
If the opposition leader believes the situation is as bad as he describes, he must share what he knows. To withhold information that could help prevent illegal landings is not just irresponsible; it’s reckless. Leadership is more than just identifying problems. It's about being part of the solution. If the opposition leader wants to be taken seriously as a leader, he needs to stop the grandstanding and start contributing to the security of TCI.
The Turks and Caicos Islands people deserve better than this negative politicking. They deserve leaders who are honest about our challenges and willing to work together to overcome them. They deserve leaders who put the safety and security of our islands above all else, not those who play games with their well-being.
The opposition leader finds divisive rhetoric sweet, but the bitter truth is that illegal migration is not a PDM or PNP problem. It's a Turks and Caicos problem. Illegal migration should never be reduced to a mere ploy to anger voters to vote based on emotions. There is no quick-fix solution to solving the strain of illegal migration.
The politics of old must step aside to make room for new ideas. We all have our roles to play, and we should not play around by not revealing who is the mastermind behind illegal migration in our country. Come on, Eddie, lead by example. It's time to give up the name of your friend that smuggles people to our shores.