“Innovation, Transformation, and Sustainable Development” is the anchoring theme of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). The virtual event which will include seminars, discussion fora, keynote presentations, and business meetings, will showcase the scope and impact of the Bank’s investments in, and other assistance to, its 19 Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs)
Media representatives need to be registered to participate in the press conference and ask live questions at events (see below where specified). Please register on Cvent.
Interview opportunities
Opportunities to interview senior officials of CDB and featured speakers will be available on a pre-scheduled basis.
Public programme
June 15, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (AST)
William G. Demas Memorial Lecture “Rethinking Innovation; Reimagining the Future”
Professor of Economics and Innovation, Mariana Mazzucato will outline how small island developing states can rethink their approach to innovation to build more resilient and competitive economies.
June 17, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (AST)
Seminar: Reimagining the Caribbean in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Panellists will explore protracted impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on BMCs; the policy imperatives for recovering from the impacts; and the keys to building a Region that is far more resilient to external shocks. The webinar will consider the policy imperatives for a green recovery, addressing debt sustainability challenges that have emerged and building economic resilience given the vulnerabilities exposed by the pandemic.
Panellists include:
Hon. Gregory Bowen, Minister of Communications, Works, Physical Development, Public Utilities, ICT and Community Development (Grenada)
Hon. Nigel Clarke, Minister of Finance and the Public Service (Jamaica)
Mr. Timothy Antoine, Governor, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Senator Don Wehby, Chief Executive Officer, GraceKennedy Group (Jamaica)
Live questions from the accredited media representatives possible in a Q&A session.
June 22, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (AST)
Presidents’ Chat
In a conversation between all living CDB Presidents, panellists will outline the challenges facing the Region and lessons learned that could guide the Bank’s future direction.
Dr Gene Leon, sixth CDB President, 2021-
Dr William Warren Smith, fifth CDB President, 2011-2021
Dr Compton Bourne, fourth CDB President, 2001-2011
Sir Neville Vernon Nicholls, third CDB President, 1988-2001
Live questions from the accredited media representatives possible in a Q&A session.
June 24, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (AST)
Seminar: Climate Action in a post COVID-19 Environment
Panellists will discuss the needs and opportunities with regards to climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Caribbean, including the timeframe in which investments need to be scaled up and the financial and non-financial challenges currently inhibiting adequate climate action in the Region. Panellists will explore feasible and cost-effective solutions to these challenges and how BMCs can develop more strategic partnerships to deliver such solutions.
Speaker line up to be announced.
Live questions from the accredited media representatives possible in a Q&A session.
June 30, 9:15 am – 10:30 am (AST)
51st Annual Meeting Opening Ceremony
Chair of the CDB Board of Governors and Prime Minister of Barbados, the Hon. Mia Mottley, will address the opening ceremony. CDB President Dr Gene Leon will deliver his inaugural keynote statement.
June 30, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (AST)
Youth Forum: Listen, Learn, Live – Youth Insights on Innovation Imperatives and Investments
Youth innovators will share their lived experiences and journey as innovators and examine what investments and interventions need to be undertaken to create an enabling environment that supports the innovation needed for resilience, transformation and sustainable development. They will provide examples of innovations, discuss the internal and external factors that are enablers and disablers to innovation and make strategic recommendations for revisiting/reshaping formal and non-formal learning environments to build requisite human capital.
Panellists include:
Carlton Cummins, Co-Founder and CTO, Aceleron Limited (Barbados)
Greta Cutulenco, CEO, Acerta Analytics Solutions (Canada)
Kyle Maloney, founder, Tech Beach Retreat (Trinidad)
Bevon Chadel Charles, founder, Akata Farms (Grenada)
Hosted by:
Dr. Terri-Karelle Reid (Jamaica)
Raphael Saul (Barbados)
Live questions from the accredited media representatives possible in a Q&A session.
July 1, 10:30 am – 11:30 am (AST)
51st Annual Meeting Closing Ceremony
Chair of the CDB Board of Governors and Prime Minister of Barbados, the Hon. Mia Mottley, and CDB President Dr Gene Leon will deliver closing statements.
July 1, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (AST)
President’s Press Conference
Live questions from accredited media representatives only.