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Don’t Allow Handful Of Wrongdoers To Create War Zone In TCI

Member of Parliament for Wheeland in Providenciales Hon. Kyle Knowles is urging those who decide to stray into a life of crime to remember the hard work those before us have paved in making the Turks and Caicos becoming the Caribbean gem that it.

To this end, Hon. Knowles, in a news release, is reminding the youth in the community that there are opportunities for them to grasp, instead of living on dangerously.

The following is the statement from the MP:

I must begin by firmly stating that I wholeheartedly condemn gun violence and any such criminal acts that would threaten the safety, livelihood and tranquility of communities across our islands.

It is important that our young people realize and remember the foundation that our forefathers have worked so hard to build. Such traits as our values, strength, vision, and passion, must be maintained to ensure a safe and peaceful land for future generations to call home.

I believe firmly that we are called to be our brother’s keeper and must not allow a handful of persons to cause entire communities to become war zones with its upstanding residents living in fear.

My fellow young people, I understand your plight, frustrations, and experiences. However, you must ask yourselves, “Is it worth it?” Murder after murder, retaliation killings, beef, feuds, gang violence, turf wars, whatever it is, is it genuinely worth it surrendering your life for?

Losing a friend or family member causes inexplicable pain and anguish. But ask yourself: does it give you the right to take away another life? Value must be placed on life, and while this may not seem true to some, law and order must prevail. We are too small as a country to have lawlessness and violence dictating the future.

After listening to the press conference, one thing remains constant; if you break the law and take a life, there will be harsh and swift justice. We must think about our choices and not fall victim to external influences over social media, alternative music and idolizing individuals known for wreaking havoc in their communities. Where are those people now you may ask? Incarcerated, incapacitated or in the grave.

Young men, The Turks and Caicos has positive and progressive opportunities for you. I encourage you all to take advantage of the opportunities available. The system is not perfect, but the only way help can be attained is if you put yourselves in a position to be the recipient.

Several successful people today have come from broken homes, abusive environments and the like. But even if this is where you’ve started, you still have the prospect of making the right decisions.

My goal is to encourage our young men and women to be, do and strive for better. You are valuable and worthy of a better life, decisions, and future. I am with you in the quest to make a better life for yourselves and for all our people and these beautiful by nature Turks and Caicos Islands.

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