The Ministry of Health and Human Services is announcing the successful completion and launch of phase three of the Migrant Health Evaluation system.
The Digitalization & E- Government Technology and Innovation (DETI) unit, within the Ministry of Finance, Investment and Trade, and developers has finalized phase three of the new system, which is scheduled to go live on February 19th, 2024.
In phase 1, a more secure system was introduced, providing each Migrant Health Officer with accountability and access to the Migrant Health system.
Phase 2 witnessed the development of a Medical Health Management and Health Certificate Management portal, featuring a secured QR code and Access Code backend validation, along with User Security groups for various levels of access to System and Applicant data.
The Unit can now send medicals via email or text to each applicant or their representative. An additional layer of security allows the Labour Department to view approved medicals on the MHU portal.
In phase 3, both local and international doctors can directly register and submit applications via the MHU Portal, eliminating the need for third-party involvement. Applicants can create an account for direct access to their application status and Migrant Health E-Certificate.
With the launch of the MHU Portal, reprinting services will be discontinued. The Migrant Health Unit advises all clients to download their Migrant Health E-Certificates before the portal's launch. Clients with hard copy certificates can either scan the QR Code or enter the Certificate Number and Access Code on the portal.
Commenting on the successful completion of this system, Alrisa Gardiner, Primary Health Care Manager with responsibility for the Migrant Health Unit who stated: “The Migrant Health Evaluation program has undergone significant upgrades and updates over the past two years. With the help and dedication of the team from DETI, we can now boast of our online portal which allows for more safety and efficiency in migrant health processing. We wish to register our thanks to the Ministry of Finance, Investment and Trade, the team at DETI and the developers for their work on this project”.
Taking note of the success of the Primary Health Care Unit, and the Ministry of Health and Human Services by extension, the Minister of Health and Human Services Hon. Shaun D. Malcolm expressed how pleased he was in relation to this milestone.
He noted that this success will go a long way in helping the unit to process applications in timely manner. He also expressed his gratitude to all the agencies who made the success of this initiative possible, including former Ministers of Health (Deputy Premier EJ Saunders and Hon. Jamal Robinson), and her Excellency the Deputy Governor.
Users are able to access the Certificate Validation Portal at:
The public as also asked to take note of following dates as the unit navigates the pivotal phases of the Migrant Health System’s digital evolution.
Key Dates:
- February 9th, 2024 - Last date to request a reprint
- February 9th, 2024 - Last date to submit hard copy applications - February 19th, 2024 - MHU Portal Goes Live
- February 19th, 2024 - Doctor’s Registration
The Ministry of Health and Human Services has extended gratitude to DETI for their commitment and hard work in ensuring the project's progression and completion.
The new system promises increased robustness and user-friendliness for all stakeholders, ensuring secure and smooth processing of medicals and issuance of Certificates of Good Health.
For more information on our new system, please call 649-338-5063 or email
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