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TCI Needs a Shared Responsibility for Mutual Respect and Growth

By Sheba Wilson

Sheba Wilson

I hope this message finds each of you well and thriving in the vibrant community of Turks and Caicos. Today, I want to address a concerning situation that has been brewing for years in our beloved country.

I recently had the opportunity to visit a place I consider my second home. Having had the privilege to live, study, and form lasting friendships in Barbados during my tertiary education, I’ve come to deeply value the importance of mutual respect and understanding in a place that once was foreign to me. Barbados is where I learned, among many invaluable lessons, the significance of respecting local customs, opinions, and politics.

In our beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands, we pride ourselves on our warmth, hospitality, and the inclusive spirit that welcomes every visitor and resident alike. It’s with this spirit that we’ve seen our communities grow and flourish, benefiting from the diverse contributions of those who’ve come to live and work among us.

However, there’s a growing concern among our local population regarding the respect afforded to our country’s customs, laws, and, most importantly, its people by some within the expatriate community. Instances of disregard for our nation’s political discourse, judgments passed without understanding, and the undervaluing of our local talents and capabilities have been noted. This, understandably, creates a divide where there should be unity, and tension where there should be cooperation.

This post is not intended to admonish but to inspire reflection and change. We are, after all, part of a global community where respect and understanding should be the foundation of our interactions. Turks and Caicos have always been open to sharing its beauty, opportunities, and resources with those who choose to call it home, whether temporarily or permanently. It’s only fair to ask for the same openness, respect, and consideration in return.

We invite you to join us in a dialogue of understanding, to learn more about our culture, our aspirations, and the laws that govern us. Let us work together towards a community where everyone feels valued, where opinions are shared with respect, and where everyone, regardless of origin, can contribute to our mutual success.

Let’s remember that inclusivity means providing opportunities for all, recognizing the strengths in our diversity, and ensuring that the growth of our businesses and communities is also the growth of Turks and Caicos Islanders. Together, we can build a stronger, more united community that thrives on mutual respect, shared goals, and collective success.

We look forward to your positive contributions, to embracing the spirit of our islands, and to including all our people as well as those who live in and love this country in the journey towards a brighter, more inclusive future.


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