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Tourism, Sub Ministries Release Quarterly Report

The Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Culture and Heritage, Agriculture, and Religious Affairs has released its quarterly performance report, (MOT Quarterly Report - Q4 -2023-2024.pdf ) showcasing a plethora of accomplishments across various sectors.

From ground-breaking initiatives in agriculture to the preservation of cultural heritage, the Ministry's efforts underscore its commitment to sustainable development and the enrichment of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Agriculture Advancements

In the realm of agriculture, the Ministry has spearheaded several notable initiatives aimed at enhancing the sector's productivity and resilience. Among the highlights is the successful launch of the "Business in a Box" initiative in Grand Turk and other Family Islands, providing local entrepreneurs with the tools and resources needed to thrive in the agricultural market.

Furthermore, significant strides have been made in leveraging technology, with the advancement of an online platform following successful testing with staff and importers in Providenciales.

Moreover, the Ministry has demonstrated its dedication to animal welfare and biosecurity through the finalization of amendments and enactment for implementing the Dog Control, Animal Control, and Biosecurity Ordinances.

Collaborative efforts with local NGOs, such as the Turks and Caicos Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TSPCA), have resulted in tangible outcomes, including the sterilization of 230 animals through Spay and Neuter Clinics in January and February 2024.

Continuing its commitment to sustainable practices, the Ministry is actively engaged in ongoing cooperation with Ministry of Health officials and stakeholders to finalize the draft of the Pesticide Bill, further bolstering environmental protection and agricultural sustainability.

Fisheries and Marine Resource Management

In the domain of fisheries and marine resource management, the Ministry has demonstrated commendable progress in addressing key challenges and advancing strategic objectives. Efforts to bridge identified gaps in the TCI III Code Action Plan in preparation for the III Code Audit in 2024 underscore the Ministry's commitment to international standards and best practices.

Additionally, the implementation of the Small Craft Policy and the initiation of a consultancy for sustainable livelihood assessment in collaboration with the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) highlight the Ministry's proactive approach to fostering economic resilience and environmental stewardship.

Furthermore, significant investments have been made in infrastructure and legislation, including the approval of a supplemental budget of $200,000 USD for the construction of 800 additional lobster Casitas by commercial fishermen. Legislative advancements, such as the implementation of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 2022 and supporting regulations, underscore the Ministry's dedication to enhancing maritime safety and governance.

Department of Tourism Regulations

The Department of Tourism Regulations (DTR) continues to prioritize efficiency and excellence in its operations, with ongoing efforts focused on enhancing regulatory frameworks and facilitating industry growth. Initiatives such as the continuation of TIDES training and alignment of the DTR ordinance with Business Licensing underscore the Department's commitment to professionalism and service excellence.

Furthermore, the Department remains dedicated to leveraging technology for streamlined processes, with the launch of QR codes for the Taxi Rating System and the development of an efficient online application process for accommodation licenses.

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