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Voices from the Streets Part 18-When Life Gives You Lemons!

Nixon Dickenson (right) with Philip ‘Pleaser’ Freites

By Nixon Dickenson

In this week’s article in the series Voices from the Streets, I would like to share an inspirational conversation with Philip Freites who is fondly referred to as ‘Pleaser’.

 In the 80s, he was known as one of the legendary radio personalities in our country. Perhaps it was his appealing voice, great choice of content and his good nature that earned him his nickname.  Pleaser, despite his many talents, was not immune from the challenges of life and there was a point when he hit rock bottom.

 His story and experience with substance abuse is one that he shared gladly so that young people can understand that there are consequences for negative choices.  In Pleaser’s opinion, many young people are not motivated to engage in positive behaviour because there are not enough opportunities provided for them to do so.

 He shared that after he was unable to continue as a radio personality, he learned how to tint the windows of vehicles.  He needed to survive, and he needed to find a positive way to support himself and help others. Pleaser shared that too often in our country, people who do not fall into society’s mold or meet its expectations are shunned, thus he is grateful for the many individuals who continue to support him despite his shortcomings.

 He believes that our young men will be more inclined to make positive choices when they are given opportunities to find gainful employment. He shared that it would be so good if a beautification program could be started on every island of this country, beginning with the roads and sidewalks. He believed that this is how valuable skills can be imparted to our youths while providing them with the opportunity to earn an income. 

He shared that national pride should be more than a conversation, it should be a call to action.  Pleaser also shared that this is a good time in our country to embrace the agriculture and fishing industries.  With all that is happening globally, he is concerned that it is time for islanders to begin growing what they eat on a wider scale that can benefit the country’s economy; likewise, fishing is another area that can provide food and economic support for the citizens. 

Pleaser expressed that with the right training and pay, these areas will be beneficial for young people who are skilled in these areas.  He shared that the future of the country lies with the young and he hopes for a day when he will see them working together to build a better and safer Turks and Caicos Islands, instead of our young men killing out each other.

 Pleaser admits that although he made critical mistakes in his younger years, he never stopped believing in a brighter tomorrow for himself and now he believes in a brighter today for the youths of the Turks and Caicos Islands.  Like Pleaser, I too believe in a brighter today for the youths of the Turks and Caicos Islands. 

As I spoke with Pleaser, one of the legends in entertainment in his time, it was evident that life did give him his fair share of lemons. However, his determination to overcome life’s adversities caused him to make wonderful glasses of lemonade. 


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