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TCI Hospital becomes a BPSO pre-designate facility

The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) has selected the Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital as a Best Practice Spotlight Organization®️ (BPSO®️) pre-designate. The hospital has committed to the RNAO partnership to become a BPSO®️ over the next three years. The designation is an internationally recognized mark of excellence in health care. 


The BPSO®️ program was officially launched at the health care facility on Thursday, May 13th, 2021, during a virtual event held in observance of International Nurses Week. The hospital aims to enhance nursing care and sustain a culture of evidence-based nursing and management decision-making practices. The virtual event featured special remarks from Dr. Denise Braithwaite-Tennant - Chief Executive Officer at TCI Hospital, Jackurlyn Sutton - Chief Nursing Officer at the TCI Ministry of Health, Doris Grinspun - Chief Executive Officer at The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), Morgan Hoffarth - President at the RNAO, and Nurse Carol Reid - Site Director at Cockburn Town Medical Centre. 


Virtual presentations were delivered by Susan McNeil - Associate Director of Guidelines, Implementation and Knowledge Transfer at the RNAO, Mikette Been - Chief of Clinical Services and BPSO Lead at TCI Hospital, Maureen Brown - Inpatient Services Manager, Nurse Sarah Henry - BPSO Champion at TCI Hospital, and Nurse Michael Williams - Deputy Site Director at Cockburn Town Medical Centre and BPSO Champion at TCI Hospital.


Patient and family-centered care, falls prevention, and pressure ulcers are the three international Best Practice Guidelines (BPG's) selected for the hospital over the next three years. The senior nursing leadership, clinical nurse educators, patient care leadership council, interprofessional team, and the national nursing council were a part of the BPG selection process. The selected areas align with the hospital's strategic plan and quality improvement indicators.


The hospital proposal to the RNAO outlined several areas. These included the strategy to implement the necessary guidelines, the benefits for patients, providers, and the organization, and how clinical outcomes will be measured and evaluated. The hospital completed the orientation process in mid-February and is now required to submit an online report to the RNAO every six months and other responsibilities. 


BPSO®️ is an opportunity for health service and academic organizations to formally partner with the RNAO to achieve the designation. Following the three years, the partnership can be renewed once the objectives are accomplished.


Chief of Clinical Services at TCI Hospital, Mikette Been, stated: "Turks and Caicos Islands Hospital is pleased to partner with the RNAO to become a Best Practice Spotlight Organization. The BPSO program will provide a system-based approach to elevate the nursing standards across the TCI hospital through evidence-based practices. As a hospital, we are committed to the ongoing development of high-quality programs and providing the support necessary to implement these programs successfully."


Chief Nursing Officer at the TCI Ministry of Health, Jackurlyn Sutton, stated: "High-quality care does not occur automatically, but is the result of critical, independent judgment and action (Donabedian, 2003). The TCI hospital has selected three (3) best practice initiatives for implementation through the BPSO program.”


She continued: “Best practice is more than practice based on evidence; it represents quality care, which is deemed optimal based on a prevailing standard or point of view. Specific best practices in nursing are significant because they serve to direct nurses regarding solutions to identified problems/needs. Best practices can be implemented in the area of education, administration, clinical and theoretical concepts. I wish to congratulate Nurse Been, Chief of Clinical Services, and the entire Board of Directors at the TCI hospital for their ongoing vision in striving for excellence in the provision of quality health care for the people of the TCI and visitors to our shore." 


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